Most companies regularly review employee performance through job review or job evaluation processes. This process is an important part of personnel management. Tips for conducting successful evaluations include following the proper process on every interview, fully documenting all evaluations and findings, and maintaining employee confidentiality at all times. Other suggestions include discussing review findings with the employee as part of the process and setting goals for the next evaluation period.
It is critical to maintain consistency in the job evaluation process for a number of reasons. Employees should know what to expect and should be as comfortable as possible with the process. Results will be more accurate and usable if the same form and/or process is used year after year for all employees. In addition, legal issues could arise if employees are treated differently, particularly if such a review is used to support a disciplinary action or termination.
This does not mean the processes and forms used during a job evaluation should never change. Many companies periodically review their processes to determine their effectiveness. Forms may need to be slightly customizable to allow for different types of job functions.
Documentation is also critical to a good job evaluation. Forms and reviews should be based on quantitative measures because no opinion is required to translate this type of information. Qualitative information can also be used, but should be clearly explained and, when possible, should include examples. This can be especially important when defending a promotion, demotion or termination.
In the vast majority of cases, job evaluation data should be kept private. In some places, such confidentiality is mandatory. Sharing an employee's review with an unauthorized party may open the company to lawsuits and possible criminal prosecution.
Employees should be part of the process whenever possible. This can mean adding a self-evaluation form or conducting a 360-degree review, of which a self-evaluation is a part. If nothing else, results of the review should be shared, in person, with the employee, either by a supervisor or by a human resources representative.
Goal setting also is a critical part of any job evaluation. This involves documenting what is expected of the employee in terms of performance and achievement during the next period. Goals offer a way to measure performance in the next review period and also improve employee morale by making workers feel they understand what will be required of them.