People who have learning disabilities suffer from conditions that prohibit them from easily performing activities such as reading, writing, and working with numbers. While many experts believe that there are not actually cures for learning disabilities, it is common for people with learning disabilities to become aware of their problems with the help of teachers, counselors, and tutors and to embrace methods that enable them to cope with these problems. Some common learning disabilities are dyslexia and attention deficit disorder (ADD). In most cases, there are different kinds of learning disability software for people who have problems in specific fields, such as reading comprehension, writing and vocabulary, and math. It also is common for learning disability software to be designed for individuals at specific ages or levels of comprehension.
Most people learn that they have learning disabilities while they are in school. For this reason, most people begin using learning disability software that is offered to them by the schools where they study. Counselors might work with students to determine which methods and tools are most effective. It also is common for learning disability software to include tests or assessments that enable instructors or specialists to monitor progress and determine which software features are most helpful for individual students.
It is common for people to use learning disability software that helps them to master individual practices since they often must learn certain skills to excel at each individual activity. For example, a person with a learning disability who has problems writing and doing basic math might need to learn one set of methods that helps him or her to write and another set of methods that helps him or her to perform math. This individual then might begin by using learning disability software that helps him or her to learn about sentence syntax and spelling then switch to software that helps him or her to add with fractions.
Much learning disability software is designed for individuals who are studying at specific areas of comprehension. For instance, a child in elementary school who has a learning disability might not use the same kind of software favored by high school or college students. When it comes to software that helps students with writing, it is common for programs to vary by vocabulary and comprehension levels, while math software might vary by types of math, such as algebra or geometry.
It also is common for different types of learning disability software to serve different functions. Some kinds of software, for example, might be used to help students to write papers or to perform math exercises. Others kinds of software, however, might be used to educate students. For instance, math education software might teach math functions to students one step at a time.