Nursery paging employs the technology of wireless paging to allow nursery or day care workers to notify a parent if a situation with their child requires their attention. Similar to paging systems at restaurants and hospital and doctor’s office waiting rooms, nursery paging keeps parents connected to their children and those caring for them while they are attending to other matters. Nursery paging is most often used in churches, but it is sometimes used with on site day care at offices, colleges, gyms, and other places where parents may need to bring their children for a period of time.
Nursery paging works by providing a child’s parent or caregiver with a wireless pager that corresponds to a number assigned to the child. When parents drop their children off at the nursery facility, they sign out the corresponding pager number and provide their name, the child’s name, and their intended location on the premises. Depending on the type of pagers used, the pager can be set to silent with a vibrate function or may have LED lights that flash when the pager is signaled. If noise is not a problem, the pager can be set to emit beeps or other sounds.
In the event that a situation arises requiring the parent’s assistance, the nursery worker simply pages the parent. The parent is immediately notified by the pager and can return to the nursery to attend to the child. Nursery paging systems have a transmitter that resembles a telephone without the handset. To page the parent, the nursery worker only has to press the keys that correspond to the paging unit they are trying to reach, and the transmission takes only a few seconds.
Nursery paging provides many benefits to churches and other facilities with on site childcare. It offers peace of mind to parents who may in essence be leaving their child with an unfamiliar person, which in turn makes them more comfortable visiting. Nursery paging is a great help to nursery workers as well. They can easily reach a parent if there is a problem and they do not have to leave the room to go and find a parent, which may not be possible if there are no other workers present. Nursery paging also eliminates noisy, overhead speaker systems that can disrupt a service, meeting, or other activity.